Forex news

Jack Ma and 17 others founded Alibaba’s online marketplace in 1999, and achieved profitability for the first time in 2001. In 2007, the company went public on the Hong Kong stock exchange. The day remains a sensitive one for China with internet censors quick...

A foreign currency exchange rate is a price that represents how much it costs to buy the currency of one country using the currency of another country. Currency traders buy and sell currencies through transactions based on how they expect currency exchange rates will...

Currencies always trade in pairs, such as the EUR/USD, and traders make positions based on their assumption of price changes. The FX options market is the deepest, largest and most liquid market for options of any kind in the world. The exchange acts as a...

American Airlines Group Inc. is an American publicly traded airline holding company headquartered in Fort Worth, Texas. It was formed on December 9, 2013, by the merger of AMR Corporation, the parent company of American Airlines, and US Airways Group, the parent company of US...

The mere expectation or rumor of a central bank foreign exchange intervention might be enough to stabilize the currency. However, aggressive intervention might be used several times each year in countries with a dirty float currency dotbig website regime. The combined resources of the market...

Rollover can affect a trading decision, especially if the trade could be held for the long term. Large differences in interest rates can result in significant credits or debits each day, which can greatly enhance or erode profits of the trade. Currency prices move constantly,...

The most basic forms of trades are a long trade and a short trade. In a long trade, the trader is betting that the currency price will increase in the future and they can profit from it. Currencies always trade in pairs, such as the...

Even if one were to employ an experienced sales team, it will take time for them to understand McDonald's stock price today lingo before they can sell properly. For this reason, it makes sense to outsource forex sales to a firm with the necessary industry...

A French tourist in Egypt can’t pay in euros to see the pyramids because it’s not the locally accepted currency. The tourist has to exchange the euros for the local currency, in this case the Egyptian pound, at the current exchange rate. Foreign exchange is...

Sales in the fourth quarter were $33.67 billion, 20% higher than sales in the same quarter last year and outpacing analysts’ expectations of $33.4 billion, CNBC reported. Facebook finished the quarter with net income down 8% year over year. That’s down from January 2021, when...